Saved views

A saved view is like a camera that is set up to show a drawing from a certain orientation, with a specific set of viewing parameters, including which class and design layer are active, the visibilities of the inactive classes and the design layers, the current zoom and pan, and the page location. If Vectorworks Design Suite is installed, the plan rotation and the clip cube position can be saved.

Views are also used to create animations (see Creación de paseos animados a partir de vistas guardadas for more information), and transition animation is supported when changing between saved views.

Saved views can be created, edited, duplicated, and deleted from the Organization dialog box as described in the following sections.

Creación de vistas guardadas

Edición de vistas guardadas

Creación o edición de vistas guardadas con el menú Vistas guardadas

Organización del dibujo


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